Monday, March 11, 2013

Top 10 Magazine's Magazine Photoshoot For Political

The Weekly Standard

48 issues per year

The Weekly Standard magazine is a comprehensive journal of politics and opinions with diverse commentary on cultural and social issues. Bill Kristol and Fred Barnes head The Weekly Standard's talented "think-tank" team and contributing writers.

Mother Jones

6 issues per year

Mother Jones magazine, a non-profit magazine, features investigative reporting with a progressive point of view. Mother Jones magazine covers a variety of topics like politics and current affairs, environment and health and media culture.


12 issues per year

Harper's magazine is an award-winning journal of opinion and thought. Harper's magazine balances coverage of political, social, economic and cultural themes with essays and fiction by distinguished and new writers.


50 issues per year

The Week newsweekly magazine distills the best of news, opinions and ideas from the U.S. and international media. The Week's straightforward focus is broad: news, health, books, film, the arts and more, covering the entire political waterfront.

The Atlantic

10 issues per year

The Atlantic is America's leading magazine of reporting and ideas. A new design complements must-read articles on world affairs, business, science, education and the arts. The Atlantic -- smart thinking about the tough issues, Magazine Photoshoot For over 140 years.

Foreign Policy

7 issues per year

Foreign Policy magazine tackles global economic and political issues. Each issue of Foreign Policy magazine features the world's leading journalists, thinkers and professionals on the most significant international trends and events of today.

National Review

24 issues per year

National Review magazine features editorials, commentary and analysis on domestic and international issues including politics, economics, culture and society. National Review magazine continues to be on the forefront of conservative thought.

The Nation

47 issues per year

The Nation is America's oldest weekly magazine, the flagship of the left and the most widely read journal of opinion. The Nation enlightens and empowers concerned citizens and influential readers on the national debate of current critical issues.

The American Prospect

10 issues per year

The American Prospect magazine is the leading liberal magazine of national politics and public affairs. Founded in 1990, The American Prospect magazine is committed to a just society, an enriched democracy and effective progressive politics.

Townhall Magazine

12 issues per year

For Americans wanting a conservative viewpoint on news and politics. Get arresting commentaries from the nation's top conservative opinion leaders and dramatic photography of significant national and world events.


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