Monday, March 11, 2013

Top 10 Celebrity Magazines

Entertainment Weekly

52 issues per year

Entertainment Weekly magazine is your front row seat Magazine Photoshoot For the latest on movies, TV, music and more. Each issue of Entertainment Weekly magazine delivers the best in entertainment news -- every week.


53 issues per year

People magazine, America's most popular magazine, delivers your favorite celebrities and real-life heroes every week.

US Weekly

52 issues per year

US Weekly magazine features the latest news and gossip on the hottest celebrities. Filled with photographs, stories and buzz, US Weekly magazine is a great source Magazine Photoshoot For celebrity diets, weddings, divorces and all events of the week.


52 issues per year

Star magazine focuses on the hottest celebrity gossip. Star is filled with all the highs and lows of the week relating to the lives of high profile celebrities.

Life & Style Weekly

52 issues per year

Life & Style weekly magazine covers the latest happenings in Hollywood from fashion trends to celebrity gossip. Also find fashion, beauty, lifestyle trends and shopping guides in each issue of Life & Style Weekly magazine.

Rolling Stone

26 issues per year

Rolling Stone magazine is the definitive source Magazine Photoshoot For music and pop culture trends. In addition, find culture and social commentary on current news and events in each issue of Rolling Stone magazine.

OK! Magazine

52 issues per year

OK! Magazine provides the glamour and inside scoop on everyone in Hollywood. Read exclusive interviews and stay up-to-date on celebrity hook-ups, break ups, weddings, babies, vacations and fashion in each issue of OK! Magazine.

People En Espanol

11 issues per year

La subscripci?n de la revista People en Espa?ol es para la persona que quiere una cobertura total del mundo del entretenimiento y la cultura pop. Desde las celebridades de Hollywood y los personajes de la televisi?n, hasta los artistas y estrellas m?s conocidos de la m?sica latina, People en Espa?ol le ofrece todo lo que est? pasando en el mundo de la far?ndula. Adem?s, la revista tambi?n cubre moda, belleza, y otros temas de inter?s humano. Con las ofertas y descuentos en subscripciones que ofrecemos en, usted puede tener todo lo que ofrece esta revista cada semana. Para asistencia en espa?ol llame al 800-891-4984 de 11:30am-8pm (Lunes-Viernes).

The Hollywood Reporter (Weekly)

48 issues per year

The Hollywood Reporter offers unmatched insider access to the most powerful people in Hollywood. The Hollywood Reporter covers everything thats hot in the world of entertainment, from blockbuster films to the latest TV programs, plus Hollywood fashion news, red carpet trends and in-depth coverage of awards shows.


10 issues per year

M features movies, music, and much more!


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