Sunday, March 24, 2013

An IT administrator has sculpted his facial hair into the Spider-Man logo. Chad Roberts' spider beard won Best in Show at the second annual Garden State Beard and 'Stache competition in New Jersey. Chad styles his beard with extra strength hairspray and says too many gels and waxes can weigh it down. Currently his beard measures just over 35 centimetres (14inches) long. This isn't the first time the 35-year-old from Richmond in Virginia has made headlines with his whiskers...

Chad Roberts shows his X-Wing beard at the Philadelphia Beard and Moustache Championships on Magazine March 31, 2012

Chad Roberts shows off his 'Beer-d' at the Ohio Beard and Moustache Competition on November 12, 2011

Chad wears a Ringmaster beard at the Beard Team USA National Beard and Moustache Championships in Las Vegas on November 11, 2012

Chad Roberts shows off his Aerofoil beard at the Ohio Beard and Moustache Competition on October 6, 2012. This style was placed third in the full beard styled category.

Chad demonstrates his Bald Eagle beard at the North Carolina Beard and Moustache Competition on Magazine March 10, 2012

Chad Roberts shows off his Infinity Beard, which took second place at the Southeastern Beard and Moustache Championships in Charleston, South Carolina on May 26, 2012

Chad Roberts poses with pop star Ke$ha at the New York City Beard and Moustache Competition on December 2, 2011. His Christmas beard took third place in the Freestyle category.
24 Mar 2013


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