Monday, March 11, 2013

National Review

24 issues per year

National Review magazine features editorials, commentary and analysis on domestic and international issues including politics, economics, culture and society. National Review magazine continues to be on the forefront of conservative thought.

American Conservative

24 issues per year

The American Conservative Magazine is a biweekly publication edited by the leading conservative voices Pat Buchanan and Taki Theodoracopulos. American Conservative is dedicated to reigniting the conservative conversation, engaging the neo-conservative agenda through its espousal of traditional conservative themes. The considered and sometimes provocative opinion will ensure that American Conservative becomes an important part of the American political dialogue.

Conservative Chronicle

52 issues per year

Conservative Chronicle features nationally-syndicated columnists and cartoonists who comment on world events and politics from a conservative point of view. From David Limbaugh to Phyllis Schafly, William F. Buckley, Ann Coulter and George Will, Conservative Chronicle presents the best in conservative critique and insight--all in a single weekly publication. In addition, Conservative Chronicle highlights over 25 nationally-syndicated political cartoonists (like Bill DeOre, Dick Wright and Mike Ramirez) who both amuse and inform the reader. Conservative Chronicle is a great reference source that aims to present the breadth and depth of conservative thinking today.

Human Events

48 issues per year

Human Events has been the premier source of news and analysis from a conservative viewpoint since 1944. Each issue affords the opportunity to gain insights and perspectives that the liberal media fails or refuses to report. Find out why Ronald Reagan said, "For over 30 years, including my eight in the White House, I have always made time to read Human Events."


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