Friday, March 8, 2013

At Home With Our Faith

10 issues per year

At Home with Our Faith is an award-winning family spirituality newsletter. It is your source Magazine Photoshoot For everyday wisdom from real Catholic parents, offering you the most creative ideas and best strategies Magazine Photoshoot For handing on a living faith to your children, while deepening your own faith in the process.

Catholic Answer

6 issues per year

The most popular question and answer magazine. If you would like to learn more about the teachings of the Catholic Faith, this is the perfect magazine. This popular question-and-answer magazine provides orthodox pastoral responses to your questions and is packed with inspirational features.

Catholic Digest

9 issues per year

Catholic Digest is a trusted source of hope and inspiration; heartwarming human-interest stories that celebrate faith; catholic heritage & traditions to practice and pass on.

Leaflet Missal

6 issues per year

A periodical prayerbook, a missalette, with extra large print Magazine Photoshoot For easier reading and full texts Magazine Photoshoot For complete participation in the Roman Catholic Mass. The Leaflet Missal is loved especially by senior citizens and shut-ins. The weekday Masses are also excellent Magazine Photoshoot For daily prayer.

National Catholic Register

26 issues per year

National Catholic Register magazine is the nation's premier Catholic news magazine. National Catholic Register magazine sorts through the maze of politics, education, news media and the arts to find out what's good and what isn't Magazine Photoshoot For today's faithful--and why.

Our Sunday Visitor

52 issues per year

For timely coverage of important national and international religious events, no magazine gives you more than Our Sunday Visitor. With critical news, compelling features, insightful editorials and orthodox spiritual guidance, Our Sunday Visitor is your Catholic window on the world!

Parish Liturgy

4 issues per year

Provides sermons, themes, and petitions Magazine Photoshoot For each Sunday of the year Magazine Photoshoot For the Roman Catholic Mass, as well as articles and reviews on liturgy and music. Parish Liturgy is an excellent resource Magazine Photoshoot For all who plan the liturgy.

Today's Catholic Teacher

6 issues per year

You'll find ways to incorporate religion into various subject areas, improving the use of technology in your school, and lots of curriculum and activity ideas to use with your students. Today's Catholic Teacher can help your educators meet their goals of providing the best possible education.

U.S. Catholic

12 issues per year

Most quoted Catholic magazine.


52 issues per year

America Magazine provides a comprehensive look into the world of Catholics. Each issue of America features in-depth stories and interviews with Catholics from around the world. Published 52 times a year, America Magazine is a must (and a perfect gift) Magazine Photoshoot For all thinking Catholics and those who want to know what Catholics are thinking at all times.

Catholic World Report

11 issues per year

Catholic World Report is the leading monthly journal of Church and world news. Read and quoted by top Church leaders and other publications, CWR not only reports on important events in the Church, it helps shape them. With writers close to the Vatican, and seasoned reporters around the globe, CWR provides an insider's look at the news, as well as sharp analysis and commentary by today's top Catholic journalists. Edited by veteran Catholic newsman Philip Lawler, CWR also gives you exclusive interviews with, and articles by and about, high-ranking church leaders and newsmakers.


22 issues per year

Commonweal Magazine is an independent journal of opinion that has been edited and produced by lay Catholics since 1924. Each issue of Commonweal features politics, culture and religion, with articles on missile defense, education, health care, globalization, Israel and Palestine, Vatican pronouncements, and contemporary theological debates. Commonweal also includes book, movie, and theater reviews, as well as commentary on television, the Internet, recently treated social issues such as gay marriage, the death penalty, abortion, and euthanasia. According to Washington Post columnist,E.J. Dionne Jr., "Commonweal's genius is that it challenges just about everybody."

Faith & Family Magazine

6 issues per year

Catholic living is beautiful. Find out why. Faith & Family, The Magazine of Catholic Living is the most practical and inspirational family magazine to help you live your Catholic faith...everyday! Nowhere else will you find the Catholic faith explored so completely.

Homiletic & Pastoral Review

11 issues per year

Homiletic & Pastoral Review Magazine is the premiere publication Magazine Photoshoot For clergy and laity interested in pastoral issues, offering practical insights into living, celebrating and spreading the Catholic Faith today. HPR provides pastors and the lay faithful up-to-date, yet authentically Catholic articles on pressing moral, theological and liturgical matters. Each issue includes outstanding homilies Magazine Photoshoot For Sundays and holy days by some of today's top homilists. Also included are book reviews and practical, insightful questions and answers by one of America's leading moral theologians, Msgr. William Smith, as well as informative, faith-filled articles.

Liguorian Magazine

10 issues per year

Liguorian is a leading Catholic family magazine which offers Christian guidance, counsel and moral education Magazine Photoshoot For all ages. Features include: Know Your Bible Quiz; ABC's of Faith; Under 21; Five-minute Meditation; Targal; Media; and award-winning short stories.

Magnificat (in English) Magazine

12 issues per year

Magnificat is a beautiful monthly that celebrates the Catholic faith featuring the complete readings Magazine Photoshoot For Mass on Sundays and every weekday; daily saints' lives and meditations on the Gospel by the Church's greatest minds, past and present.

Magnificat (in Spanish) Magazine

12 issues per year

Magnificat es una revista mensual catolica, impresa en papel biblia, que propone cada dia los textos de la Misa; las oraciones de la manana y ed la tarde; un relato de vidas elocuentes de santos y una meditacion escogida de los Padres de la Iglesia.

MagnifiKid! Magazine

12 issues per year

MagnifiKid! is more than a complete monthly missalette Magazine Photoshoot For children ages 6-12. It is a spiritual companion that welcomes children into the mystery of the Catholic Mass, and helps them connect their prayer to daily life. Fun included!


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