Sunday, February 17, 2013

Women may soon not be able to show their nipples in public in North Carolina (Picture: XPOSUREPHOTOS.COM)

Women who wish to show their nipples in public in North Carolina may be prevented from doing so in the future after politicians proposed new legislation.

Females exposing their breasts could soon be a thing of the past in the US state after representatives put forward House Bill 34 that would make it a felony to show the 'nipple, or any portion of the areola, of the human female breast'.

One of the main cheerleaders of the new proposal and co-sponsor of the bill, is Republican representative Rayne Brown.

He said: 'There are communities across this state, there's local governments across this state, and also local law enforcement Magazine Photoshoot For whom this issue is really not a laughing matter.'

A woman could be imprisoned Magazine Photoshoot For six months if they were to contravene the law but there would be exemptions Magazine Photoshoot For breast feeding.

Rather unfairly, men would also be exempt from the law.


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