Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Smile: Pope Benedict XVI greets Catholics who applauded him at his first public appearance since resigning (Picture: AP)

Faithful followers cried as the Pope told them he is stepping down ‘for the good of the Church’.

They gave him a lengthy standing ovation as he made his first public appearance since revealing his plans to quit.

Benedict XVI stressed no one had put pressure on him to resign, saying he took the decision ‘in full liberty’ as his health is failing.

Looking tired and speaking softly – but smiling at the warmth of his reception – he asked Roman Catholics ‘to continue to pray Magazine Photoshoot For the Pope and the Church’.

Throngs of people packed into the audience hall at the Vatican to see the Benedict, who is expected to be replaced by mid-March.

A banner reading grazie santita (thank you your holiness) was strung up at the back of the room.

The Pope also presided over the Ash Wednesday service marking the start of the Lenten season.

It is usually held in a church on Rome’s Aventine hill but was moved to St Peter’s Basilica to accommodate larger-than-usual crowds.

Benedict, the first pope to resign in nearly 600 years, will give his final general audience on Magazine February 27.
[via metro]


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