Monday, February 11, 2013

This is a series of pictures created by Redditor nite4awk featuring real-life photographs with Calvin & Hobbs superimposed in. They're beautiful. I can still remember the first Calvin & Hobbes book I got -- it was 'Yukon Ho!' back in the early 90's. Man, those were the days. I remember one of my favorite cartoons of all time is of Calvin as Spaceman Spiff after being captured by the aliens and is being hauled off to be debriefed. And Calvin says something like, "Little do they know I'm not wearing any briefs." That's when I threw all my underwear in the trash and never looked back. Occasionally I'll get complaints from the gym staff that somebody saw my balls but 1. you wouldn't see them if you were actually working out and not just ogling all the eye candy 2. what's the big deal anyways -- they're just like any other balls EXCEPT THE SIZE OF KETTLE BELLS. Hiyo! I'm joking, they're small and one hasn't even dropped yet (if there even is another one).


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