Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Directed by Simon Wannaz, this video Magazine Photoshoot For Buvette's 'Airplane Friendship' is absolutely stunning and the song is beautifilled.

I was confused why the kid had such a large over-sized ham sandwich, until it is revealed later that he has three mouths to feed.

I cannot decipher the lyrics at 01.50, what I'm hearing right now is this:

"I can fart, i wont stay longer
I'm always looking Magazine Photoshoot For a shelter"
I'm pretty sure that's me hearing it wrong, although if it's not I can totally relate as I never stay very long anywhere after I've farted: I too look Magazine Photoshoot For the closest shelter, although that shelter isn't usually an IVY-CLAD-SYNAGOGUE!

[via YMT]


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