Friday, January 25, 2013

Patricia van der Vliet fights the enemy within in ‘Army of Me’ by Aitken Jolly Magazine Photoshoot For the Winter 2012/13 issue of Exit Magazine.  Using symbolic military imagery Jolly dares to explore the greater theme of ’Camouflage’ in this evocative editorial.  Masked in a variety of face paint and army fatigues, Patricia’s piercing portrayal of an embattled warrior gives us a glimpse inside the heart of a fighter. Living in a world where mimicry and masquerading is a way of life, we hide behind an armor of money and technology in an attempt to fit in.  Cloaked in a constant state of denial this conceptual piece is a grand statement on the idea of the ‘Collective Camouflage.’  Careening toward the creative cliff, we have seen the increased influence of mediocrity play out in the form of mass delusion.  Hiding us from the truth, this camouflage of corruption keeps us from becoming who we are. An avant garde adaptation of the Fahrenheit 451 principle, this poetic piece of fashion philosophy reminds us the high cost of losing our individuality and freedom.


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