Monday, January 28, 2013

The Premier party Magazine Photoshoot For this season's 'So You Think You Can Trans' was last Tuesday and AfterElton managed to grab a hot minute with three of this season's aspiring Queens;
Monica Beverly Hillz, Penny Tration and miss Vivienne Pinay.

Ru can read their interviews after the jump where amongst discussion is; the school of fish on this season, how Ciara has been snatching wigs and Divine as THE drag-style-icon:

"She was just trying to work -- and it worked"...WORK

Monica Beverly Hillz, 21, Owensboro, KY

Your gold ensemble reminds me of Iman in the Michael Jackson "Remember the Time" video. What's your fashion inspiration?
Michael Jackson is legendary and I love his fashion, but first and foremost, I'm a huge Beyonce fan.
Oh, yeah? Did you like her "performance" at Obama's inauguration?
Story of the century! I mean, she looked sickening [in a good way] doing it. Wait until you hear the truth before you judge her [performance].
How prepared were you when you arrived on season five? Confident?
I'm going to tell you a secret. There's no preparing Magazine Photoshoot For the rest of your life. There really isn't. When I got there, I realized, "Oh my God. I'm not prepared Magazine Photoshoot For sh*t." Because this show could change the rest of your life if you let it.
Was it ever scary?
Oh, yes! You're putting your faith and life into things and people you've never even met before.
I imagine the criticisms from RuPaul and the judges are tough to handle.
Yes! Yes, yes. But I appreciated and loved it.
Who was your stiffest competition?
I walked in there and of course, I'm an old school queen. So I saw girls like Detox, and I learned a lot from them. Magazine Photoshoot For me, the whole show was a learning experience.
And what did the other queens learn from you?
To be yourself, to love yourself, and at the end of the day whatever happened in your past, you have to persevere and go forward. As long as you have a tight support group, you'll be OK. Season five has been that Magazine Photoshoot For me.

Penny Tration, 40, Cincinnati, OH

Do you have any style icons we should know about? Perhaps ones who deserve more credit in general?
Divine! Sty-le i-con. You know, I'm a gay of a certain age. I remember her when she was not trying to be a style icon or blaze any trails. She was just trying to work -- and it worked. So that's a huge inspiration Magazine Photoshoot For me.
Do you prefer Polyester or Hairspray?
I don't know that I have a preference!
Aren't you diplomatic!
I really don't know that I have a preference. I like all of it.
What was unexpectedly tough about the competition?
Without spilling any beans, the physicality. Just the amount of work. It's exhausting. I told Michelle Visage, it was like boot camp.
Which of the other queens did you single out as major competition?
I don't believe in competition.
Because you always win them?
No, because you can't beat anyone else. You can only beat yourself.
Sounds like you might be a harsh critic of yourself.
I think everyone should be. And I'm a pretty tough critic, yes, especially when I know the right answer but choose to ignore it.
Lastly, who is your current celebrity hero?
My political answer is RuPaul! Actually, I happen to have a love affair with Michelle Visage that began long, long before this show. Definitely her.

Vivienne Pinay, 26, New York, NY

Do you have any unexpected style icons?
Probably no one you wouldn't. I mean, you'd expect Beyonce.
I would. I see some Ciara in you too.
Yes. Ciara has my same wig. She copied it off of me. I love Christina Aguilera, Nicole Scherzinger, and any exotic beauty out there.
Nicole's "Don't Hold Your Breath" is an underrated jam!
I like "Don't Hold Your Breath," but I liked her more in the Pussycat Dolls. Loved that. "When I grow up, I wanna be famous..."
Do you have a favorite Christina Aguilera phase?
Oh, gosh -- when she was trashy and dirty. I loved it.
I think that was her best stuff. 
Me too! Are you kidding me?
No! The chaps in the "Dirrty" video? She should've stuck with that look.
It was ridiculous. But I will say, I loved when she cleaned it up and the whole pin-up phase.
I even liked "Not Myself Tonight."
It was a very good song! A spontaneous song, I thought.
Which of your fellow queens intimidated you most?
Well, you know, I'm a beauty queen, so I showed up thinking I was going to be the only gorgeous one. The only one who really stood out to me as far as looks go was Alyssa Edwards. I think she's f*cking stunning. But there's a bunch of fish on this season. All of them are competition. Huge competition.

28 Jan 2013


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